Monday, December 19, 2011

ZTV – a thread one sees from time to time

I have a penchant for some of the older literatures from Japan, China and India. These include writings from the Zen, Taoist, and Vedanta traditions.  All of these I conveniently and collectively refer to as ZTV, of which selections will appear from time to time.

Today, dismayed by the state of our nation and society, I remembered this:

          When the great Tao is forgotten,
          Kindness and morality arise.
          When wisdom and intelligence are born,
          The great pretence begins. 
          When there is no peace within the family
          Filial piety and devotion arise.
          When the country is confused and in chaos,
          Loyal ministers appear.
                                                                - Tao te Ching, ch.18

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