Friday, March 9, 2012

My Evil Twin

My apologies to the legions of my readers for having neglected this blog so long. I have been hunting the white rhino (Swahili: Kifaru) in Namibia and elsewhere for several weeks. Here is a picture of a white rhino in captivity, at the great Kruger National Park in South Africa. 

As is evident in the picture, he is not white but gray. He is also called the square-lipped rhino, for reason that is also evident. National Geographic has a nice article on these guys. For the more fun-loving viewer, you can check out a different kind of white rhino here, and a yet different one at this spot.

As I was saying, I have been out of the country for a good while and, to my considerable consternation,  a person well known to me has taken advantage of my absence to work a bit of mischief. Yes, I am sorry to say that while I was hunting the white rhino in Namibia - to photograph, not to kill - my evil twin Harry has constructed a Facebook page - see "Harry Needmore" - that purports to be his but that utilizes a lot of material  belonging to me. I can’t say what his twisted motivation might be for doing this. Perhaps he wishes viewers to think it is my doing – making my own Facebook page but ascribing it to him. (You see, it is not for nothing that I call Harry my evil twin. Not only evil, but also sick.) But if that is his intention, he makes a number of key mistakes.

A really stupid example of this is naming mah jong (麻將) as one of his/my favorite games. Certainly not mine; I don’t know mah jong from mah dong. More egregious instances are provided by some of the photographs; many are of me but many more are of him. Hah! As if anyone could not tell the difference. Here, for example, are two  pictures from Facebook - which one do you think is Harry . . .

and which one me?

As if anyone could not tell the difference . . . .

So, dear viewers, let me urge those of you who traffic in Facebook to pay careful attention to what you see at the "Harry Needmore" site and do not hesitate to leave your heartfelt comments.

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